In a year with so little to smile about, few interviews I have seen on Israeli TV have brought me as much joy as the one conducted by Rafi Reshef with Effie Hercky, an 81-year-old American bubbe from Givatayim.

When Israel reopened its gyms in late February after months of lockdown, to showcase the return to (relative) normalcy, one TV channel turned to the New Jersey born great-grandmother and volunteer nurse who was fully vaccinated.

The three-minute interview, conducted mostly in Hebrew, opened with Hercky hitting the treadmill decked out in makeup, large earrings and a shirt reading “BADGIRLS.”

Given the huge cultural gap that still exists between North American Jews and Israel, Effie’s moment of fame become a wonderful bridge that united Israelis and diaspora Jews alike with warmth and fascination towards a woman who so seamlessly mixes Hebrew and English into every sentence that no matter your level of understanding in either language, she was able to be understood.

The week before Pesach, Comedian Benji Lovvit and I caught up with Effie at her beloved Givatayim gym and home.

Effie shared fascinating anecdotes about aliyah, how the country has changed over the years and maintaining optimism of adversity.

During this journey of 49 steps, I hope that watching this interview brings you as much joy as I experienced in its creation. If we are all blessed with just an ounce of resilience and optimism shown by Effie over the past year, the meaning and purpose we all seek in our lives will be realised much sooner. Chag Sameach

To enjoy the full video, please click here.

Ittay Flescher
Ittay Flescher is a journalist and educator based in Jerusalem.