Limmud is rooted in a set of 10 shared values, each based in Jewish tradition. These values animate our work and enable Limmud to be a platform where Jews from all backgrounds come together to connect with transformative learning and with one another. For example, Limmud emphasizes the value of diversity because “we value the rich diversity among Jews” and “seek to create cross-communal and inter-generational experiences.”

The manifestation of this value played a particularly significant role in both my Jewish and my Limmud journeys. These journeys coincide for me because when I participated in the very first Limmud festival, I was not yet Jewish. I came to Judaism because in a world of increasing loneliness and divisiveness, I wanted to feel part of a larger community that shared my values. Limmud welcomed me in to a space where I could build relationships with a diverse group of Jews from across my city. I was empowered to help building the next festival myself. Limmud’s emphasis on diversity gave me my first Jewish home.

While I felt welcomed into the Jewish community with open arms by Limmud, I quickly learned that many North American Jews struggle to feel a sense of belonging within the Jewish community. As Board Chair of Limmud North America, I am committed to ensuring that Limmud provides a place of belonging to anyone who wants to do Jewish.

In an increasingly fractured world, Limmud promotes an optimistic alternative: the possibility of a diverse, cohesive Jewish community rooted in the importance of celebrating and learning from difference. This Jewish mishpacha, family, isn’t complete without all of our voices. By being intentionally inclusive and building bridges across differences, Limmud strengthens our Jewish communities.

Tony Abrams
Tony Abrams is an experienced tax attorney, executive leader, and community builder. He is Limmud North America’s Board Chair and previously served as past Programming Team Co-Lead for Limmud Seattle. Tony is the Community Foundation Director at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.