The Omer is thought of as a verbal ritual, in which we announce the day in sequence. But what if we made it a creative ritual?

For every day of the Omer, I illustrated and animated a number, sometimes in Arabic numerals, sometimes in Hebrew letters, sometimes in both, to give me a way to be actively involved in counting.

Hiddur mitzvah (beautifying ritual observance) does not have to be only the utilization of beautiful ritual objects. We can beautify ritual by adding an active creative component, deepeningour engagement with the mitzvot and our connection to our tradition, acknowledging and utilizing our God-given gifts in the process.

(The full set of numbers can be seen here.)

Hillel Smith
Hillel Smith is an artist and designer focused on reimagining ancient traditions with contemporary media. He has painted dynamic Jewish murals around the world and is the founder of the Jewish Street Art Festival. His projects, like Parsha Posters, encourage creative reconsideration of religious practice.