The Path to God’s Promise: What Would G-d Say About the Climate Crisis? (50 mins)

April 15, 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

About Session

If G-d gave input on the climate crisis, what would G-d say? Through fiction, award-winning, bestselling author Ahuva Batya Scharff examines this conversation. Referencing Jewish texts and experiences, from Torah to Talmud, protagonist Elinor Simentov challenges G-d about climate change after G-d asks her to serve as a prophet, to warn humankind about the problem. What role do Jews have in combating climate change and how do we act in the current political environment? What are the Jewish perspectives on both social and climate action? By using fiction, we can explore the “what-ifs,” considering Jewish action in a fraught world.


Dr. Ahuva Batya Scharff

Dr. Ahuva Batya Scharff

Institute for Complementary and Indigenous Mental Health Research