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It’s a Presidential Election Year! Are you feeling frustrated by the lack of civil discourse? Angry about the way people are treating one another? Overwhelmed, annoyed, and helpless?

Yeah, us too. Let’s get through this together!

Pardes and Limmud North America are joining forces to bring you a learning experience that will help us explore the following timely questions:

  • What do Jewish texts have to say about the value of multiple perspectives?
  • What distinguishes constructive disagreement from destructive disagreement?
  • How might good people have diametrically opposing views on moral issues?
  • What are the variables to consider when determining if, when, and how to engage in a difficult conversation?
  • How do we determine when to stand by our truths and when to compromise?
  • What practical tools and skills can I use to become adept at considering an issue from multiple perspectives and engaging with the other?
  • How can I help foster a culture of constructive disagreement?

Program Schedule

1:00-2:15 PM ET // Mahloket Matters: The Value of Multiple Perspectives
We will familiarize ourselves with key Jewish texts and social psychology that distinguish between different types of disagreements and explore why good people may have diametrically opposing views on moral issues.

2:25-3:15 PM ET // The Big Tent: Where Should We Draw our Red Lines?
We will consider if, when, and how to share space with those with whom we have fundamental disagreements.

3:25-4:00 PM ET // Applying Mahloket in Community: Practical Examples
We will hear from Pardes Mahloket Matters Fellows as to how they integrated constructive disagreement into their social and/or professional contexts.

4:10-5:00 PM ET // Inviting Mahloket L’shem Shamayim: Skills for Hard Conversations
We will learn some practical tools to engage productively in difficult conversations.

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