Step 7: Wherever I Go

Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy teaches Talmud and the Social Justice Track at Pardes. Originally from Washington, D.C., Meesh completed her studies at Beit Midrash Har’el in 2015 and received ordination from Rabbi Herzl Hefter and Rabbi Daniel Sperber. ...

Step 7: Wherever I Go2021-04-05T13:50:08-04:00

Step 6: OUR Jewish Values

All Jews choose their Judaism from the Judaisms that came before; no one does everything. Animal sacrifice and its prayer substitutes, the Jerusalem Temple and synagogues worldwide, universalism and particularism and chauvinism and tolerance and openness, the Psalms and Yehuda Amichai’s poetry – they ...

Step 6: OUR Jewish Values2021-03-23T14:50:58-04:00

Step 3: Loving Connection

The first week of the Omer is associated with the midah (spiritual/ethical trait) Chesed, Loving Connection - a “judgment free zone” in which we mute our inner critic, and amplify our inner voice of acceptance, connection, and love. This week of chesed invites us ...

Step 3: Loving Connection2021-03-23T14:54:14-04:00