Step 26: Seeking Counsel

Rabba Shani Gross is the Director of North American Programs at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. Shani earned rabbinic ordination from Yeshivat Maharat, is a Wexner Graduate Fellow/Davidson Scholar (Class 29), and a former Hillel Fellow for Rabbinic Entrepreneurship ...

Step 26: Seeking Counsel2021-04-16T14:58:42-04:00

Step 25: Reflection from Seder to the Counting of the Omer

Gathered around the Seder table most of us once again lacked the physical connection of family and friends that we enjoyed prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have experienced a fairly real mitzrayim, a straitening, a limitation. During Passover the holiday which brought the ...

Step 25: Reflection from Seder to the Counting of the Omer2021-04-16T14:41:37-04:00

Step 22: What is Love?

This week’s Torah portion includes the command to "Love your fellow as yourself," (Leviticus 19:18). I have always loved this quote, and also assumed it was pretty straight-forward. Try to be nice to others, and find the same compassion for other people that you might ...

Step 22: What is Love?2021-04-16T13:54:31-04:00