Step 37: Why Fit in When You Can Belong?

Rabbi Igael "Iggy" Gurin-Malous is the founding rabbi of T’shuvah Center, a new long term Jewish recovery community in NYC. He is a Talmud teacher, spiritual counselor, artist, and educator. Teaching about Talmud, Jewish text, spirituality, addiction, recovery, fatherhood and ...

Step 37: Why Fit in When You Can Belong?2021-05-13T10:24:15-04:00

Step 34: Pure Intentions

Nechama Goldman Barash made aliyah from Philadelphia over 20 years ago. She teaches contemporary halakha and Talmud at Matan and Pardes. She participates in interfaith dialogue through Roots, based in Gush Etzion, close to where she lives with her family. ...

Step 34: Pure Intentions2021-04-29T10:07:22-04:00

Step 33: Divine Vessels

Source of the Universe, I praise You and offer gratitude for the gifts You have bestowed upon me.  The highest of these is to serve as klei kodesh (holy vessel) for Divine flow.  My sacred purpose is connecting people:  to scout, discern, and share ...

Step 33: Divine Vessels2021-04-29T10:04:55-04:00