As someone who chose to join the Jewish people, the journey towards Sinai each year is a particularly special one for me. The Torah tells us that G-d’s covenant was made “not with you alone but both with those who are standing here with us this day before our G-d and with those who are not with us here this day.” (Deut. 29:13-14). Our Sages interpret this to mean that subsequent generations of Jews – those born Jewish and those who chose to become Jewish – were present at Mount Sinai when G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish people.
You cannot imagine the sense of belonging that washed over me when I learned of this interpretation. This passage told me that there was space for me within the Jewish community. It told me that I belonged here from the start. It allowed me to better navigate living as a proud member of the Jewish people while weaving in my own authentic life experiences.
When I close my eyes and imagine myself there at the base of a mountain learning with Jews from across space and time, I can’t help but feel humbled. The closest I’ve ever come to this kind of an experience in real life is at a Limmud festival. As Board Chair of Limmud North America, I am proud to be part of a grassroots movement that believes deeply in the possibility of a diverse, cohesive Jewish community rooted in the importance of celebrating and learning from difference.
Tony Abrams is an experienced tax attorney and estate planner, executive leader, and community builder. He is Limmud North America’s Board Chair and previously served as past Programming Team Co-Lead for Limmud Seattle.